Time is ticking! You have less than two weeks left to submit your abstract for the first ever Canada FASD Conference, taking place from November 7-9, 2023 in Saskatoon. We are seeking submissions for both Research/Policy/Practice and Personal Experience streams.
This is a great opportunity to share your knowledge, insight, and experience with a large audience of people who share your commitment to changing the landscape of FASD in Canada.
What we’re looking for
People working in FASD research, policy, or practice are encouraged to submit their work and innovations in the field. We are looking for oral presentations, interactive learning workshops, and posters. You can find more details on how to submit a Research/Policy/Practice abstract on our website.
Individuals with lived experience (including mothers, individuals with FASD, and families/caregivers of people with FASD) are invited to present their story in any way they choose. This may look like a poster, artwork, storytelling, or oral presentations. You can find more details on how to submit a Personal Experience abstract on our website.
Conference Topics and Themes
The conference theme is Connect, Inspire, Innovate: From Evidence to Action. Abstracts are welcome in all areas of FASD and FASD Prevention. The conference will focus on presentations in the following areas:
- Current trends and new issues
- Wellness (including resiliency, physical health, and healthy approaches)
- Reconciliation, community and culture-driven approaches
- Supporting at-risk or priority populations (e.g., youth and emerging adults, incarcerated and justice involved-persons, older adults, people who are unhoused, new Canadians, LGBTQ2S+, etc.)
- Reducing stigma and discrimination
- Innovative and novel approaches to delivering care
- The continuum of care: promoting health, services, and support across the lifespan
- Building capacity
- Clinical research
- Prevention efforts that span the spectrum of FASD prevention approaches
- Assessment and diagnosis
- Intersections of FASD with child welfare, justice, housing, employment, education, and parenting
- International work; and
- Personal experience.
How to submit an abstract
Submit your abstract through our online abstract portal before Monday, April 24, 2023. Abstracts should not be more than 250 words.
Why you should apply
We need as many voices as possible sharing their insight and experience in order to effectively address FASD. The more diverse the line-up of presenters at the Canada FASD Conference, the more powerful the data and evidence will be and the more we can make a difference in people’s lives.
There are many reasons to get involved with the conference. Here are a few:
- Grow your network by making personal and professional connections with others invested in FASD;
- Stay up to date with the latest research, evidence, and best practices in FASD;
- Build your resume and skills by sharing your work and experiences on the national stage;
- Help to improve research, policy, and practice in FASD by sharing your story and experiences;
- Get the opportunity to talk to experts, service providers, caregivers, researchers, and individuals with FASD from all over Canada and around the world;
- Inspire an audience of like-minded people to spark change for FASD.
Travel awards are available to support individuals with lived experience attending the Canada FASD Conference. Subsidy information to support student presenters will be available soon. We look forward to reading your submissions and seeing you in November!
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