October 31, 2024
The Canada FASD Research Network, CanFASD, feels compelled to make an official statement on the recent opinion published in the Lancet by Eliason et al., calling for urgent “international attention to address the harms of using Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) as a diagnostic term.” As the first and only comprehensive FASD research network in Canada, we are seen as a national voice for FASD. We bring together scientific evidence and amplify the voices of individuals and families with living experience. Collectively, we are surprised and troubled by the views and opinions expressed in this paper which are not evidence-based and have caused concern among clinicians, individuals with FASD, families, and researchers. To be clear, we value and encourage tough conversations. Indeed, these tough conversations help to move the field forward, particularly when they include diverse perspectives, invite continued discourse, and are evidence informed. As a team of researchers, clinicians, and individuals with living experience, we outline our concerns on the conclusions identified by Eliason et al and our rationale in support of FASD as a diagnostic term. Click link below to read full statement.