We are thrilled to announce that the renowned RJ Formanek will be joining us in Toronto as the Canada FASD Conference’s Master of Ceremonies.
Having not received an FASD diagnosis until his late forties, RJ Formank was startled to find how many of the strategies he had used throughout life were a result of FASD. While being educated in FASD at the Anishinabek Educational Institute in North Bay, Ontario, RJ found that sharing these strategies helped to educate others. He realized that these experiences give him a unique insight into FASD, which he shares freely with others.
He founded the Facebook support group “Flying With Broken Wings” and he is co-founder of the FASD advocacy and support group Red Shoes Rocks. His advocacy group shows that FASD is real and many people all around the world are dealing with it every day . RJ also speaks widely, advocating for people on the spectrum. Getting information about FASD out to the public is important. It is through team effort that there is more research and education being done.
We are thrilled to have RJ as our Master of Ceremonies for this year’s Canada FASD Conference. His advocacy work speaks for itself, and his passion and enthusiasm will be an invaluable asset to this event.
Keep your eyes peeled for news coming your way soon on who the keynote speakers will be! We hope you are as excited as RJ and the conference team are to come together to address FASD at a national level.
If you haven’t registered yet, what are you waiting for? Early-bird ticket sales end on June 30th!
Best regards,
The Canada FASD Conference Team