By canfasdblog on March 16, 2022
We have had quite the line up of webinars over the past few months! Our topics have ranged from early life adversity to diagnosis to supported employment. We’ve brought in experts from all across Canada to speak on these topics. We wanted to take this opportunity to share the recordings of some of our most popular past webinars so you can continue to stay up to date on the most recent FASD information. You can always check out our YouTube channel for more.
Understanding the FASD Diagnosis
Early diagnosis can improve outcomes for people with FASD. Early diagnosis can lead to earlier support and interventions, which can reduce the risk of health challenges and common adverse outcomes in the future. Early diagnosis can also help reduce stigma, improve understanding and self-awareness, But what does FASD diagnosis look like in Canada? Coleen Burns and Dr. Hasmukhlal tell us in this recording of a webinar from February 18, 2022.
Optimizing Employment Opportunities and Outcomes
Meaningful and fulfilling employment can help people develop a positive identify, self-esteem, and self-worth. For people with FASD, consistent employment can also be a protective factor against some secondary outcomes associated with FASD. In this recording of our January 2022 webinar, Lisa Murphy, the Executive Director of the Lakeland Centre for FASD, Blair Charters, an FASD advocate working in Alberta, Aamena Kapasi, a researcher, and Tara Baker, an employer of an individual with FASD, come together to talk about employment challenges, opportunities, and strengths for people with FASD.
The Sensory World of People with FASD
Lisa Brownstone, a former occupational therapist, and Shana Mohr, a caregiver, dive deep into sensory processing and FASD. They lean on both their professional and personal experience to provide valuable information and stories in this 50 minute recording. This is part one of a three part series they are doing on sensory processing and FASD. Be sure to watch Part Two before the Part Three webinar, which will be scheduled for later this year!
Early Life Adversity and FASD
There is growing research interest in the adverse life experiences of people with prenatal alcohol exposure and FASD. In this webinar, Dr Jacqueline Pei and Dr. Katherine Flannigan talk about a recent research study conducted on adversity and FASD and how the environment can be a risk factor and an opportunity for growth for people with FASD.
Did you know that you can apply to present your evidence-based research in a future CanFASD webinar? Check out our application process to learn more.