When it comes to FASD prevention, awareness and management, men play a vital role. Whether as partners supporting an alcohol-free pregnancy, or as fathers raising children with FASD, mentors to young people, or peers and role models, men are important in many arenas.
In this live panel event, originally aired on 29 September 2022, an expert panel explored the special role that men play in families and communities, as well as the difficulties that men face.
Neil Reynolds is Dad to five biological children and four long-term foster children, including two siblings who have been diagnosed with FASD. He is a community representative of the FASD Hub Australia advisory panel.
Geoff Davis is a Fitzroy Crossing resident and together with his wife Marmingee have fostered three children with FASD.
Associate Professor Nyanda McBride is a researcher with nearly 20 years’ experience as an intervention researcher in education, health promotion and drug education fields. Prior to this, she was a health teacher in secondary schools, struggling to deliver meaningful health and drug education to her students.
Dr Michael Doyle is a Bardi Aboriginal man, from the Kimberley region of Western Australia. He is a Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Research Excellence in Indigenous Health and Alcohol at the University of Sydney. His research focuses on alcohol and other drug treatment for men involved in the criminal justice system.
Dr Vincent Mancini a Senior Research Fellow in the School and Community Wellbeing team at the Telethon Kids Institute. His work is primarily focused on empowering fathers and father figures to improve the health and wellbeing of children. His role is supported by The Fathering Project.
This post appeared first on March 20, 2023 Prevention Conversation blog.