Alcohol & Breastfeeding
By Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network Society
By Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network Society
By Edmonton and area Fetal Alcohol Network Society
7th European FASD Alliance Conference in Madrid By
A film by Dan Redfield for the
Developed by the Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse and BC
Here are some activities that can keep children with FASD busy in and around their homes and communities.
Since 2017, we have been publishing an FASD Common Messages Guide, a resource focused on respectful ways of writing and talking about FASD. Learn more about the 2024 Release
Mocktail (non-alcoholic) recipe guide! Support an alcohol free pregnancy.
We hope that this resource guide will help mental health professionals engage in reflection, increased their knowledge of FASD, and allowed people to feel more comfortable supporting people with FASD.
WRaP 2.0 FASD Coaching Partnership Project, a comprehensive service delivery model designed to enhance your capacity in meeting the unique needs of students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).