What’s Happening During FASD Month 2023
Throughout the month of September, events are held across Canada and around the world in recognition of FASD Day. But FASD awareness initiatives deserve more than one day of focus.
Throughout the month of September, events are held across Canada and around the world in recognition of FASD Day. But FASD awareness initiatives deserve more than one day of focus.
South Alberta Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Service Network is looking for a person to work as a quarter time Network Co-Coordinator.
Time is ticking! You have less than two
Its Neurodiversity Celebration Week! We had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Katy Flannigan to talk about a new study we’re doing on strengths in adults with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Here are a few highlights from that conversation.
The struggle is real and so is success. FASD Family Life and ReThink FASD want to hear from YOU!
Looking for caregivers in Alberta to join an advisory committee. Advise on research priorities for families impacted by FASD.
Since being published in 2011, there has been substantial new research on alcohol use and the physical, mental, and social effects.
Article reposted from: canfasd blog, September 28, 2022,
Article reposted from: canfasd blog, September 14, 2022,